Welcome to my Thesis
“Normal is an illusion. What is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly.”
"I’m so curious about knowing the unknown; it can be scary, but I see it as a game."
"I know that if I wasn't scared, something's wrong, because the thrill is what's scary."
The name of my thesis is FEAR. I believe everyone is scared of something. But no one is scared of everything. What one person may find terrifying, another may find it quite mild. The focus of my photo thesis was to invoke a response from a wide variety of individuals. To have them look at a series of images that although might not be terrifying as adults, might take you back to a time that you were afraid of this type of imagery. Whether it be the dark, witches, vampires, clowns, or the paranormal, every person has an irrational internal FEAR of something.